R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Candleholder Trois Branches Roitelets: 6 and 1/2 inches tall by 6 and 1/2 inches wide frosted three stick small birds decorated R. Lalique Candleholder that is missing the following items from the top: the beam, the candleholders and the shades. Lot 73 Est: $200 - $400. Model: 2110 Circa 1931. USA - Massachusetts - Marlboro arusauctions@gmail.com 617-669-6170 Date of Sale: 2016-09-11 Sales Results: The candleholder made $350 plus a 21% premium.   Arus

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Rene Lalique Candleholder Trois Branches Roitelets

R. Lalique Trois Branches Roitelets Candleholder

R. Lalique Trois Branches Roitelets Candleholder

R. Lalique Trois Branches Roitelets Candleholder

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