R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Candelabrum Trois Branches Roitelets: A single clear and frosted on round base three branch Kinglet birds decorated candelabra that is missing the top tube form shades. Lot 49 Est: €80 - €120. Model: 2110 Circa 1931. Note: Candelabrum is really the correct singular for one of these and Candelabra is the correct plural. However, in the heartland of the U.S., Candelabra is often used in the singular, which brings us to the new vernacular Candelabras for the plural. Of course, in Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe you will find "Candelabras", so maybe it's not so new. EU - France - Limoges bernard.galateau@wanadoo.fr +33 05 55 34 33 31 Date of Sale: 2013-05-04   Galateau Pastaud

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Rene Lalique Candelabrum Trois Branches Roitelets

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