R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Pitcher Tokyo: 17.8 cm tall clear glass container having a spout composed of encircling rows of small pearls R. Lalique Pitcher. Lot No. 468 Est: €200 - €250. Model: 5274 Circa 1930. Also a Tokyo Carafe as Lot 466, 36 Tokyo Glasses as Lot 464 consisting of 6 each of 6 different models, and 6 Tokyo Champagne Coupes as Lot 463. They also have a Champigny Decanter of unknown age as Lot 655. We've inquired and we'll update if/when. EU - Portugal - Lisbon - Avenida Elias Garcia info@veritas.art +351 21 794 8000 Date of Sale: 2022-11-23   Veritas

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