R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Statue Thais: 21.5 cm tall butterscotch glass R. Lalique Statue of a dancing nude female with outstretched draped arms. Lot No. Est: £3000 - £5000. Model: 834 Circa 1925. Also a Perruches Bowl as Lot 12, an opalescent Dahlias Bowl as Lot 13, a L'Origan Box for Coty as Lot 14, a jade green Formose Vase as Lot 15, and a re-offer of an opalescent blue stained Sirenes Perfume Burner as Lot 16. UK - England - North Yorkshire - Skipton - Embsay - Embsay Mill sales@hutchinsonscott.co.uk +44 01756 798333 Date of Sale: 2024-07-09   Hutchinson-Scott

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