R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Brooch Spes Mihi Prima Deus: 2.7 cm gilt covered bronze R. Lalique Brooch showing a winged victory figure holding a banner with the latin phrase SPES MIHI PRIMA DEUS. This is one of many R. Lalique medallions created to raise money during the war for charitable causes including troops and their families. Lot No. 142 Est: €100 - €150. Model: Brooch-30 Circa 1915. EU - France - Paris - Douot machotard@gros-delettrez.com +33 01 47 70 69 05 Marie-Amélie Chotard is your sale contact. Date of Sale: 2023-09-22   Gros & Delettrez

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Rene Lalique Brooch Spes Mihi Prima Deus

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