R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Carafe Sirenes Et Grenouilles: 39 centimeters tall glass with bulbous lower section tapering to a thin long neck with a tall pointy stopper the primary decoration of frogs and mythical sirens highlighted by a dark patina R. Lalique Carafe. Lot No. 125 Est: €5000 - €6000. Model: 3150 Circa 1911. Also in this sale is a Danaides Vase and a Spirales Vase, both in opalescent glass as Lots 124 and 123 respectively. France - Paris - Drouot information@coutaubegarie.com +33 01 45 56 12 20 Date of Sale: 2012-10-24   Coutau-Bégarie

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Rene Lalique Carafe Sirenes Et Grenouilles

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