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Rene Lalique Ronces Vase |
Rene Lalique Vase Ronces: 23.5 cm butterscotch colored briars motif glass R. Lalique Vase. Lot No. 135 Est: €3500 - €4500. Model: 946 Circa 1921. Note: There are a total of 46 sale lots titled for René Lalique in the sale. Out of those lots, we recommend you avoid Lot 173 and Lot 175 both being post war vases. We also recommend avoiding Lot 174 that is a post-war Jardiniere. Finally we recommend avoiding Lot 170 the Madrigal perfume bottle for Molinard. The best case for that bottle is it's a post war example. The lot listing cites the 1991 Utt Perfume bottles book as a reference. However, none of the later authoritative references include Madrigal as a pre-war bottle. The bottle does not appear in the last version (2011) of the Catalogue Raisonne, nor does it appear in the perfume bottles page on our site. Madrigal is also absent from the 2010 Lefkowith book The Art of René Lalique Perfume Bottles and Boxes, a book that was commissioned by the modern Lalique company and sold in their stores. Also note we did not read every lot description to see if other post-war or problematic items are titled for René Lalique, so be careful out there. With all that in mind you can see all 46 lots HERE! EU - Germany - Bavaria - Munich - Theresienstr. 60 info@quittenbaum.de +49 8927370210 Askan Quittenbaum is your man at the sale. Date of Sale: 2023-11-14 Quittenbaum
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