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Ribeauville Pitcher |
Rene Lalique Ribeauville Pitcher information and photos at RLalique.com are tied together on this main Ribeauville Pitchers page. Past and future auctions, historical details, sales, copies, reproductions, articles and more are all accessible from here. This page grows as more info is added to the website. Note: Ribeauvillé is a small town (around 5000 people as of 2016) in Alsace in NE France near the German border. It's about 10 miles from Colmar and around 50 miles from Strasbourg. The town can trace its history back over 1000 years and to this day has ancient walls, medieval homes, and the look of a place right out of the past. Today one claim to fame of the town is that it boasts the tallest giant sequoia (redwood) tree known outside of the United States. Sequoia seeds were collected starting around 1850 in California and they have been planted in different places around the world including in Ribeauvillé. The tree was measured at nearly 200 feet tall in 2014 at the young age of just 158 years old Considering that the giant sequoias are among the oldest living organisms known on the planet (some are over 3000 years old) 158 years for this tree is something like 6 to 8 years old in human terms! See The Entire Catalogue Of: Rene Lalique Pitchers
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