R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Vase Rennes: 13 cm tall by 16 cm wide at the top, clear glass with frosted and patinated repeating reindeer all around the exterior of the R. Lalique Vase. Lot 4003 Starting Bid €1000. Model: 10-875 Circa 1933. Also a Chrysis Car Mascot, a heavily patinated Bagatelle Vase, and a Gui Vase. Note: This is a multi-day sale that starts on the 27th of June, so best to check with the auctioneer to be certain of the date that the R. Lalique items go off. Germany - Sulzburg auktionen@kaupp.de +49 (0)7634 50 380 Melanie Edelbruch is a good contact at the auction house. Date of Sale: 2014-06-28 Sales Results: The Rennes sold for €1000 hammer price, the Chrysis did not sell.   Kaupp http://www.kaupp.de

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