R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Vase Quatre Panneaux: 18.5 cm tall red enameled birds in foliage motif glass R. Lalique Vase. Lot No. 136 Est: £2000 - £3000. Note: We are not vouching for the enamel being original to the vase. The actual auction lot listing at Woolley and Wallis does make any claim that the enamel is original. Model: 10-920 Circa 1938. They also have a pair of Saverne Champagnes as Lot 117, a Helianthe Bowl as Lot 118, a Fougeres Vase as Lot 119, 2 different Malines Vases as Lots 120 and 121, an Inseparables Frame as Lot 122, an opalescent Ceylan Vase as Lot 123, an opalescent Perruches Bowl as Lot 124, a Ferrieres Vase as Lot 125, an opalescent Poissons Bowl as Lot 126, a Chamonix Vase as Lot 127, an opalescent Monnaie Du Pape Vase as Lot 129, an opalescent Danaides Vase as Lot 130, a Marguerites Vase as Lot 131, a Chardons Vase as Lot 132, an opalescent Laurier Vase as Lot 133, an opalescent Soudan Vase as Lot 134, a red Ormeaux Vase as Lot 135, and a Sauterelles Vase as Lot 137. UK - Wiltshire - Salisbury - Castle Street mj@woolleyandwallis.co.uk +44 (0)1722 424505 Michael Jeffery is your man at the sale. Date of Sale: 2025-03-19   Woolley & Wallis

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Rene Lalique Vase Quatre Panneaux

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