R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Pendant Quatre Libellules-3: 7.2 cm high by 7.5 cm wide yellow gold, polychrome enamel, aquamarine, rubies and quartz depiction of 4 center facing dragonflies with comporting chain R. Lalique Pendant. Lot 44 Est: On Request. Model: Pendant-138 Circa 1903. Also an opalescent Dauphins Vase as Lot 78; a Penthievre Vase as Lot 77; an enameled Antilopes Vase as Lot 76; a blue glass Yvelines Vase as Lot 75; a Boule De Gui Chandelier as Lot 74Bis; a Serpent Vase as Lot 74; a mixed Lot 73 having 10 R. Lalique Ashtrays some of which are colored or opalescent - Sirenes, Medicis, Pinson, Cuba, Faune, Muguet, Pelican, Martinique, Irene, Archers; an opalescent Suzanne Statue on bronze base as Lot 72; a 25 cm wide Actinia Coupe-Ouverte as Lot 71; a Roger Box of unknown age as Lot 69; and an Aigrettes Vase as Lot 70. EU - France - Paris - Drouot mail@tessier-sarrou.com +33 01 40 13 07 79 The expert for this sale is Plaisance: +33 (0)6 10 49 83 38 / postmaster@plaisance-expertise.com. Date of Sale: 2017-05-04 Sales Results: The pendant made €215,900 all-in.   Tessier & Sarrou et Associés http://www.tessier-sarrou.com

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Rene Lalique Pendant Quatre Libellules-3

R. Lalique Quatre Libellules-3 Pendant

R. Lalique Quatre Libellules-3 Pendant

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