R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Flacon Pavots d'argent: 11 cm tall silver poppies motif nearly oval glass R. Lalique Flacon signed R. Lalique in relief to the underside. Lot No. 253 Est: €200 - €300. Model: Roger-&-Gallet-Perfume-2 Circa 1927. Also 8 books consisting of R. Lalique and general perfume bottle books as Lot 246, 2 misc perfume bottle groups that contain Lalique bottles of unknown age as Lot 257 and 284, and an Églantines Vase as Lot 290-2. EU - France - Angers - Rue du Maine contact@chauvire-courant.fr +33 02 41 60 55 19 Maîtres Chauvire and Courant are your contacts at the sale. Date of Sale: 2021-09-22   Chauviré Courant

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Rene Lalique Flacon Pavots d'argent

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