R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Seal Papillon Ailes Fermees: 5.7 cm tall standing glass butterfly figure with the wings closed R. Lalique Seal. Lot No. 209 Est: AUD1500 - 3000. Model: 190 Circa 1919. Also a Meudon Box of unknown age as Lot 202, and a Poissons Seal bearing an intaglio molded LALIQUE signature to the side of the base as Lot 203. Australia - Western Australia - Perth - Claremont - Stirling Road mgallery@iinet.net.au +61 8 9385 4180 Date of Sale: 2022-12-06   McKenzies

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Rene Lalique Seal Papillon Ailes Fermees

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