R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Matrice Orphelinat Des Armees: 40.4 cm by 34.5 cm bronze matrice used in the production of the Orphelinat Des Armées war medal style maltese cross form pendant sold to raise funds for the support of orphans of service members during World War I. Lot No. 157 Est: €150 - €200. Model: Matrix-13 Circa 1915. EU - France - Enghien-les-Bains - Rue du Docteur Leray salledesventesenghien@gmail.com +33 01 34 12 68 16 Date of Sale: 2021-05-09   Goxe - Belaisch - Hôtel des ventes d'Enghien

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Rene Lalique Matrice Orphelinat Des Armees

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