R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Cup Ormeaux: A re-offer of the three cups from November 5th, 2015. Now Lot 1568 Est: £30 - £50.

A set of three 10.2 cm wide clear glass with frosted leafy decoration and incorporated leafy shape and motif handles R. Lalique Cups. Lot No. 1526 Est: £60 - £100.

Model: 3886 Circa 1931.

Also in this December 3rd sale is a Soudan Ashtray selling in Lot 1468 with an unrelated item.

On November 5th there was also Lot 1535, a cut down Chevaux Vase.

UK - England - West Sussex - A24 Washington - Spring Gardens auctions@tooveys.com +44 (0)1903 891955 Date of Sale: 2015-12-03   Toovey's

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Rene Lalique Cup Ormeaux

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