R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Bowl Ormeaux: An apparent re-offer of the Ormeaux and Chevreuse Bowls from August 23, 2015. Now Lots 244 and 245, both having unchanged estimates of €250 - €350.

An apparent re-offer of the Ormeaux and Chevreuse Bowls from July 26, 2015. Now Lots 366 and 365, both having estimates of €250 - €350.

33 cm wide sepia stained leaves pattern R. Lalique Bowl in the coupe-ouverte form. Lot 50 Est: €250 - €350. Model: 3270 Circa 1931. Also a Chevreuse Bowl as Lot 52, and one piece (the middle piece) to the Charme Jardiniere Model 3463 as Lot 51. EU - France - Deauville - Rue du Général Leclerc deauville.encheres@gmail.com +33 02 31 88 42 91 Date of Sale: 2015-12-20   Deauville

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Rene Lalique Bowl Ormeaux

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