R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Olimpic Perfume Bottle information and photos at RLalique.com are tied together on this main Olimpic Perfume Bottles page. Past and future auctions, historical details, sales, copies, reproductions, articles and more are all accessible from here. This page grows as more info is added to the website.

Note: Olimpic is not a French word. It's a marketing name trademarked in France in early 1928. It is likely a reference to the 1928 Summer Olympics that were to be held in Amsterdam the same year the bottle was created.

Also Note: This eight sided bottle is known in 1 height of approximately 8 cm.

Also Note: The bottle depicts a woman entering the woods from the back of the bottle and emerging from the woods in the front of the bottle.

Also Note: The stopper is molded HERMANNY and smaller LALIQUE to one side and OLIMPIC to the opposing side. Significantly for this stopper, Hermanny and Olimpic are both arched above a design that is likely 5 stylized flame tips. 1928 is the year that the Olympic flame was re-introduced in the modern era and the Amsterdam Olympics were to be the first place for the re-introduction. 5 is also the number of rings on the Olympic flag denoting the 5 participating continents. And finally it's not hard to envision the patinated center of the bottle up through the neck and to the stopper as the newly built Olympic Tower where the flame was to be kept burning during the event.

Also Note: The bottle is similar to Grands Magasins Du Louvre Danae and Claire Oree. The main differences among the three bottles are the stopper wording and the lack of clothing on the Danae woman.

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R. Lalique Hermanny Flacon
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Future Auction
R. Lalique Olimpic Perfume Bottle
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Model No. Hermanny-Perfume-1  Circa 1928
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