R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Tableware Normandie: 8 glass items including 2 decanters (the tallest being 25 cm high) and 6 different glasses, all items marked with the CGT monogram for the company that owned the ship for which this model was created R. Lalique Tableware. Lot 166 Est: $6000 - $8000. Model: Normandie-Tableware Circa 1934. Note: These 8 pieces are the entire service, there are no missing items. Also offered are a Hirondelles Chandelier as Lot 131, a Stockholm Chandelier as Lot 146, and a pair of Amsterdam Appliques as Lot 139. USA - New York - New York City - Rockefeller Center cvillinger@christies.com 212-636-2240 Carina Villinger, Beth Vilinsky: bvilinsky@christies.com / 212-636-2242 and Jeni Sandberg: jsandberg@christies.com / 212-636-2239 are all great contacts for R. Lalique at Christie's Rockefeller Center. Date of Sale: 2016-12-12 Sales Results: The tableware made $12,500 all-in. On the same basis the Stockholm Light Fixture got $30,000. The Amsterdam Appliques were withdrawn and the Hirondelles Fixture did not sell.   Christie's http://www.christies.com

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