R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Tableware Nippon: 54 piece service of matching rows of pearls decorated stemware being a mix of pre-war and post-war pieces in 7 different models including in Nippon the champagnes (5), wines (19 total in 2 sizes), waters (11 that are 10.5 cm and the tallest), liqueur glasses (10), and gobelets (4 and not shown) as well as 5 complementary Tokyo Bol à Mains Models 3137. Lot No. 79 Est: €800 - €1000. Model: Nippon-Tableware Circa 1930. Note: The model numbers and circa dates are given as if all are pre-war, but we don't know the exact make-up of what is pre and post. All the Nippon (all the glasses) are circa 1930. The Tokyo Bols are circa 1933. Also the 4 gobelets are not shown in either picture. EU - France - Cannes - Boulevard d'Alsace contact@auctioncannes.com +33 04 93 39 01 35 Charlotte Petillon is your contact at the sale. Date of Sale: 2020-06-24   Azur Encheres Cannes

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