R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Decanter Nippon-2: A pair of 16.5 cm pearls motif R. Lalique decanters comprising the original Nippon oil and vinegar set along with the original 16.5 cm long oval base. Lot No. 270 Est: €100 - €150. Note: This is the smaller of 2 different Nippon Oil and Vinegar sets. Model: 3896-1 Circa 1932. They also have as Lot 272 the René Lalique Vierge à l'enfant statuette on black base and also as Lot 271 a Mesanges Candleholder. EU - France - Bordeaux - Rue Peyronnet contact@briscadieu-bordeaux.com +33 556313233 Date of Sale: 2025-03-22    Briscadieu

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Rene Lalique Decanter Nippon-2

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