R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Vase Nanking: 34 cm tall faceted adjoining triangles motif grey patinated glass R. Lalique Vase. Lot No. 410 Est: £8500 - £9500. Model: 971 Circa 1925. There are over 40 lots in this sale including an opalescent Chrysis Car Mascot, a bright red Poissons Vase, and many other attractive pieces. UK - England - London - New Bond Street mark.oliver@bonhams.com +44 20 7393 3856 Mark Oliver (contact info preceding) and Duane Kahlhamer +44 20 7393 3860 / duane.kahlhamer@bonhams.com are your men at the sale. Date of Sale: 2019-09-04 Sales Results: The vase sold for £35,062 all-in and was the high seller for the R. Lalique. Runner-up was the opalescent Chrysis Car Mascot at £25,062. The overall sale rate for the R. Lalique was about 65%. The result for every lot can be seen from the catalogue link in the listing.   Bonhams http://www.bonhams.com

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