R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Statue Moyenne Voilee: 14 centimeters tall glass female figure being the one on the left in the photo, on round base holding a cup in one hand near her breasts and with the head tilted slightly back and to one side Rene Lalique Statue selling in the same Lot 224 with a Moyenne Nue Statue. One of these has had the head re-attached, likely the Nue from looking at the photo. Model: 829 Circa 1912. Also a Papillon Ailes Fermees Cachet, Courges Vase, and Sauterelles Vase. EU - France - Paris - Drouot mail@neret-tessier.com +33 01 40 13 07 79 Date of Sale: 2013-06-07   Néret-Minet Tessier & Sarrou

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