R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Statue Moyenne Voilee: 14 cm tall frosted glass standing robed female on incorporated clear round base R. Lalique Statue. Lot No. 18 Est: $50 - $60. Model: 829 Circa 1912. Also a Sirene Car Mascot as Lot 16; 3 different Moineau Paperweights as Lots 13,14, and 15; a Piriac Vase as Lot 125; a Ronces Light Shade as Lot 273; and several other lots that are without photos that we cannot identify from the descriptions. Uraguay - Montevideo - Galicia castells@castells.com.uy +598 2900 7300 Date of Sale: 2018-11-28   Castells

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Rene Lalique Statue Moyenne Voilee

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