R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Moissac-Footed Not R Lalique Vase information and photos at RLalique.com are tied together on this main Moissac-Footed Not R Lalique Vases page. Past and future auctions, historical details, sales, copies, reproductions, articles and more are all accessible from here. This page grows as more info is added to the website.

Note: This is not an R. Lalique Vase. It is a post-war modern crystal variant version of the Moissac Vase that has a round footed style base added. Any R. Lalique signature on this footed vase would necessarily be a forgery. We've only listed it here so anyone looking for it can find it and read this statement.

Also Note: Felix Marcilhac mistakenly included the Footed Moissac Vase in an early version of the Catalogue Raisonné. After he discovered this was a mistake he left it out of all future editions including the 2011 (the latest, most complete, and most accurate edition) of the Catalogue Raisonné. We know of no evidence that this footed version with the added round base was ever made in glass during the lifetime of Rene Lalique.

Also Note: The Catalogue Raisonne says that Moissac was not produced after 1947. That is technically correct because the addition of the foot would make this vase a different model. We are in possession of a Lalique company sales list from June 1955, 10 years after Lalique died, listing the Moissac Vase with the Cristal Lalique Model No. 2056.

Finally: At least a dozen footed Moissacs have appeared in the last 15 years signed LALIQUE FRANCE. Basically every footed example that emerged from the woods somewhere in any country (local house sales, small auction houses, small town antique malls, basically truly fresh to the market) has been signed LALIQUE FRANCE. Conversely, examples signed R. LALIQUE FRANCE continue to appear to this day (2024) at larger auction houses and through various dealers represented as R. Lalique solely on the basis of a forged signature and without any documentation whatsoever. We strongly recommend serious collectors avoid the footed Moissac Vase.

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All Lalique Moissac-Footed Not R Lalique Vases
R. Lalique Moissac-Footed Not R Lalique Vase
2015-07-17  Not R. Lalique

Signature Photo
Model No. Cristal Lalique No. 2056  Circa 1956
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