R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Candlestick Mesanges: A pair of 17.5 cm tall clear and frosted glass R. Lalique Candlesticks on six sided bases with a frosted birds in wreath design. Lot 245 Est: €150 - €200. Model: 2126-B Circa 1943. Also a Chantilly Bowl, a Chevreuse Bowl, an opalescent Saint Francois Vase, a Pissenlit Plate, an opalescent Asters Bowl, a patinated Chataignier Bowl, and some Marguerites Bowls of unknown age. EU - France - Deauville info@aguttes.com +33 01 47 45 55 55 Date of Sale: 2014-04-27   Aguttes

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Rene Lalique Candlestick Mesanges

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