R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Ashtray Medicis: 15 cm long oval shaped opalescent glass with a pair of seated back-to-back nudes on the foral motif elevated rim at either end of the recessed well R. Lalique Ashtray. Lot No. 325 Est: €1500 - €2000. Model: 280 Circa 1924. Also a re-offer from October 27th, 2018 of the base only to a Nippon Oil and Vinegar Set now selling together with a couple of unrelated plates in the style of Nippon as Lot 364, and a Lotus Decanter as Lot 327. EU - France - Perpignan - Chemin De Mailloles catalogne.encheres66@wanadoo.fr +33 04 68 54 09 10 Date of Sale: 2018-11-23   Thibaut Ruffat - Societe De Ventes Volontaires Ruffat

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