R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Decanter Masques: 27 cm tall clear glass with a patinated grotesque mask on both sides of the container. Lot No. Est: €600 - €800. Note: Check the model page for the Masques decanter for added information about the various stoppers that it was or was not sold with. Model: 3156 Circa 1914. They also have a good looking patinated cased white-oplaescent Monnaie du Pape Vase as Lot 412, a Palissy Vase as Lot 414 that is cracked and should be avoided, and the bottom only to a Primevères Box with no lid as Lot 415 that should be avoided unless you have a spare opalescent lid laying around:) EU - France - Cannes - rue Jean-Jaurès info@cannes-encheres.com +33 493384147 Date of Sale: 2025-04-02   Cannes Enchères

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Rene Lalique Decanter Masques

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