R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Carafe Masque: 25.5 cm tall clear glass with a central patinated masque R. Lalique Carafe. Lot No. 57 Est: €200 - €400. Note: The auction house is calling out a micro chip to the inside of the rim. Model: 3156 Circa 1913. They also have 6 Lotus Glasses with the black enamel highlights as Lot 207, and a 28 cm 1919 Statuette voilée mains jointes model 828 as Lot 206. EU - France - Caen contact@caenencheres.fr +33231860813 Date of Sale: 2024-12-04   Caen Enchères

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