R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Door Lubin: 3 different matching R. Lalique Double Doors each with two etched glass panels of a fantastical floral headressed female surrounded by a steel frame with all 3 doors having dimensions of 248 cm by 148 cm. Lot Nos. 8, 9, and 10 Ests: €180,000 - €240,000, €180,000 - €240,000, and €120,000 - €180,000 respectively. Note Lot 10 has a replacement panel to one side "redone identically by la Maison Lalique in 2015" according to the auction house. Model: Door-2 Circa 1932. Note: This door model is documented in the Catalogue Raisonne 2011 Edition on Page 903. Our photos are of the Lot 8 door. Also Note: There are slight differences in the right side panels when compared to the left side panels. France - Paris - Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré cecile.tajan@sothebys.com +33 1 53 05 53 53 The Head of Sale and Deputy Direector Cécile Tajan (info preceeding) and Chairman and Co-Worlwide Head of Design Florent Jeanniard: +33 1 53 05 52 69/florent.jeanniard@sothebys.com are good contacts for these doors. Date of Sale: 2022-05-24 Sales Results: The two double doors with the original panels being Lots 8 and 9 each made €201,600 all-in. The Lot 10 door that had a modern replacement of one of the two panels did not sell.   Sotheby's https://www.sothebys.com

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