R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Lovers Silver Gelatin-Bromide Dry Plate: A companion pair being 2 of 19 plaques in the original box that includes many other models all shown in the 2nd photo. 8 of the plaques are 30 cm by 24 cm, and 11 are 33 cm by 26.8 cm. Lot No. 50 Est: €3000 - €5000. Model: Dry-Plate-4 Circa Vary. Also a pair of Prunelles Decanters as Lot 51, a pair of Hespérides Pitchers as Lot 52, a Coty Muguet Perfume Bottle as Lot 53, and a Dentele Vase as Lot 54. EU - France - Paris - Drouot xavier.dominique@ader-paris.fr +33 01 53 40 77 10 Xavier Dominique is your man at the sale. Emmanuel Eyraud is the Expert: eyraud.expert@free.fr/+33 33 (0)1 45 54 97 51. Date of Sale: 2020-12-11   Ader

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Rene Lalique Silver Gelatin-Bromide Dry Plate Lovers

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