R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Tableware Lotus: A matching design pair of 17 cm tall glass tear-drop shaped containers with the spout style frosted flaring rims combined with the enameled stoppers being of lotus flower design, one with a handle as a broc, the other without handle as a carafe R. Lalique Tableware. Lot No. 38 Est: €200 - €300. Model: Lotus-Tableware Circa 1924. Also the bottom only (top is missing) to the Dinard Box. EU - France - Fontainebleau - Fontainebleau - Rue Royale p.balley@osenat.com +33 (0)1 80 81 90 11 Peggy Bailey (info preceding) is the Department Director and a good contact for this lot. Côme Remy is the Expert: +33 06 15 04 83 02 / come@comeremy.com. Date of Sale: 2019-10-26   Osenat

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