R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Tableware Lotus: A six piece set of lotus leaves motif clear and frosted glass R. Lalique Tableware, consisting of a Model No. 5031 Carafe which includes an enameled (center of the flower form) stopper, and 5 Model No. 3406 Gobelets. Lot 395 Est: €150 - €250. Model: Lotus-Tableware Circa 1922. Note: The Carafe has a circa year of 1924. Also Lot 396 an Opalescent Rennes Vase and Lot 397 a pair of half bowl form Charmes Sconces Model No. 2010. EU - France - Antibes - Boulevard du Maréchal Foch carvajalsvv@orange.fr +33 04 92 93 16 35 Date of Sale: 2015-07-11   Carvajal

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