R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Necklace Lotus: 23 blue glass lotus flower shaped elements on a later cord R. Lalique Necklace. Lot No. 42 Est: FF3000 - 3500. Model: 1514 Circa 1928. Note: The small string of beads in the center of the photo is being sold as a separate bracelet. We don't know of any documentation about the marketing of this bead as a bracelet, but it's likely if you wanted a matching set, they would have done it. Also the standard size for this necklace is 22 beads. But again, if you needed bigger or smaller it's almost certain you would have been accommodated. France - Paris - Drouot Montaigne - Avenue Montaigne Date of Sale: 1991-10-20   Watine-Arnault

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