R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Lalique Enthusiasts & R. Lalique Collectors

Rene Lalique Hood Ornament Libellule Petite: 6 and 1/2 inches long by 2 and 1/4 inches high small clear and frosted dragonfly figure on incorporated round base R. Lalique Hood Ornament. Lot No. 222 Starting Bid: $500.

Model: 1144 Circa 1928. Also offered all on later mounts are the following hood ornaments:

Lot 217 - Sirene Opalescent
Lot 218 - Faucon
Lot 219 - Vitesse
Lot 220 - Libellule Grande
Lot 221 - Sirene Opalescent
Lot 223 - Faucon
Lot 224 - Belier
Lot 226 - Tete De Coq
Lot 228 - Pintade

Note: There are also several modern paperweights listed as R. Lalique Hood Ornaments.

USA - Pennsylvania - Denver - North Reading Road dan@morphyauctions.com 717-335-3435 Date of Sale: 2018-10-08   Morphy

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Rene Lalique Hood Ornament Libellule Petite

R. Lalique Libellule Petite Hood Ornament

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