R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Scent Bottle Lentilles: A re-offer from April 25, 2023. Now Lot 32 Est: €500 - €700.

6 cm tall squat molded and enamel highlighted lentils motif glass R. Lalique Scent Bottle Lot No. 240 Est: €1000 - €1200. Model: 485 Circa 1912. Also a mint-green opalescent Perruches Bowl with what sounds like serious damages "Fendu et fêles." as Lot 281 that should be avoided, a Les Temps des Lilas Flacon for Houbigant as Lot 28, and a Dahlia Flacon and Boite from the garniture de toilette selling together as Lot 352. EU - France - Beaune - Boulevard Saint-Jacques beaune@alexandrelandre.com +33 03 80 24 09 66 The auction house notes a 2nd entrance to the auction location at "3 rue de la Colombière (Accès Parking des tanneries)".

Date of Sale: 2023-07-02   Alexandre Landre Beaune

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Rene Lalique Scent Bottle Lentilles

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