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Rene Lalique Lalique Par Lalique 1988 Book |
Rene Lalique Book Lalique Par Lalique 1988: The 1988 (newest and largest of the 2 editions) version put out by the Lalique company with biographical information and photos about Rene Lalique and his works, and a ton of the modern crystal line available at the time of publication. Lot No. 327 Est: €20 - €30. Model: Book-2 Circa 1988. Note: This is on online sale. Also offered is a 2nd Lalique Par Lalique Book, 2 different lots having groups of older auction and other catalogues relating to R. Lalique many of which are from the 1990's, and 1989, 2011, and 2 1994 copies of the Catalogue Raisonne each selling in its own lot. EU - France - Paris - Drouot bids@drouot.com +33 01 48 01 91 00 Contacts for this sale are Thibault Gaultier: 01 48 01 91 10 / tgaultier@drouot.com and Clémence Claude: 01 48 01 91 08 / cclaude@drouot.com. Date of Sale: 2018-09-16 Drouot Estimations
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