R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Jurancon Vase information and photos at RLalique.com are tied together on this main Jurancon Vases page. Past and future auctions, historical details, sales, copies, reproductions, articles and more are all accessible from here. This page grows as more info is added to the website.

Note: Jurançon is a small out-of-the-way town in the southwest corner of France. It's in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department that includes the French Basque Country and the Béarn. Jurançon has a population of around 7500 (as of 2016). It's also the name of a red grape and a white grape that are grown in the area around the town and used in wine production. The wine from the area is also called Jurançon.

Also Note: This is one of 5 models marketed by Rene Lalique et Cie as a Lave-Raisins, a small water container used to rinse unwashed grapes. All 5 models have names related to winemaking. The other 4 are Malaga, Ricquewihr, Muscat, and Sarments. Because of their vase shape and because a typical owner of one of these would not know to look up a Lave-Raisins to search for information, we have grouped all five with the vases for reference purposes.

See The Entire Catalogue Of: Rene Lalique Vases

All Lalique Jurancon Vases
R. Lalique Jurancon Vase
2023-02-24  Lalique Jurancon Vase

R. Lalique Jurancon Vase
2022-12-15  Lalique Jurancon Vase

R. Lalique Jurancon Vase
2022-07-05  R. Lalique Jurancon Vase

Signature Photo
R. Lalique Jurancon Vase
2019-07-03  Lalique Jurancon Vase

R. Lalique Jurancon Vase
2018-01-15  Rene Lalique Jurancon Vase

Signature Photo
R. Lalique Jurancon Vase
2017-05-14  Rene Lalique Jurancon Vase

R. Lalique Jurancon Vase
2016-07-21  R. Lalique Jurancon Vase

R. Lalique Jurancon Vase
2015-10-03  R. Lalique Jurancon Vase

R. Lalique Jurancon Vase
2012-09-17  Lalique Jurancon Vase

Sales Results
R. Lalique Jurancon Vase
2012-04-01  Rene Lalique Jurancon Vase

R. Lalique Jurancon Lave-Raisins Vase
2011-11-26  R. Lalique Jurancon Lave-Raisins Vase

R. Lalique Jurancon Lave-Raisins Vase
2010-12-09  Rene Lalique Jurancon Lave-Raisins Vase

Model No. 10-3479  Circa 1938
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