R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Statue Grande Nue Bras Leves: 24.5 inches total height by 8 inches square at the black wood base (62.2 cm tall by 20.3 sq.) standing nude female figure with both arms raised forward overhead R. Lalique Statue. Lot No. 133 Est: $20,000 - $30,000. Model: 835 Circa 1921. Also a set of 4 Vases Plates in 2 sizes as Lot 128, a Camees Vase as Lot 129, a Thais Statue as Lot 131, an opalescent Suzanne Statue with serious condition issues as Lot 132, a Deux Figurines Clock as Lot 134, a Sauterelles Vase as Lot 135, a Thomery Cocktail Shaker as Lot 136 (listed here separately), and an opalescent Bacchantes Vase as Lot 137. USA - New York - Larchmont - Post Road info@clarkeny.com 914-833-8336 Date of Sale: 2020-03-22   Clarke

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Rene Lalique Statue Grande Nue Bras Leves

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