R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Drawing Floral Pendant: An ink and watercolor on parchment paper study for an Art Nouveau style gold framed and enameled pendant R. Lalique Drawing. Lot 89207 Est: $2000 - $3000. The drawing is framed and matted but we show only the drawing. Also, the dimension in the description of 9.5 inches by 5 inches may be just the drawing or it may be the total with the frame, it's not clear. Model: Drawing-15 Circa 1898. Note: There are about 40 R. Lalique lots in this sale including vases, mascots, bowls, glasses, etc. USA - New York - New York City bids@ha.com 214-528-3500 Date of Sale: 2013-12-04 Sales Results: The drawing sold for $1562.50 all-in.   Heritage http://www.ha.com

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Rene Lalique Drawing Floral Pendant

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