R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Matrice Femme Sorciere Dans Des Branchages: 22.4 cm long by 8.2 cm wide bronze plaque form depiction of a sorceress holding branches. The model was created for a jewelry project and bears the LALIQUE signature in the mold in the lower right front corner. Lot No. 375 Est: €1500 - -€2000. Model: Matrix-12 Circa unkn. EU - France - Bordeaux - Quai des Chartrons baratoux@etude-baratoux.com +33 05 57 19 60 00 Date of Sale: 2021-02-10   Baratoux-Dubourg Encheres

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Rene Lalique Matrice Femme Sorciere Dans Des Branchages

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