R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Buvard Faune et Nymphe: 16.5 cm long glass handle depicting a faune and a nymph having a "slide-in" metal rocker. Lot No. 459-1 Est: €300 - €500. Model: 153 Circa 1920. Also a Chevreuse Vase as Lot 459 and a pair of frosted Saint-Francois Vases as Lot 458. Note: They also have the bottom container only to worth perfume bottle as Lot 455 that is missing the stopper and is a post-war partial piece. Lot 455 should be avoided. EU - France - Quimper - Avenue de Kerrien contact@hdvquimper.com +33 02 98 52 97 97 Date of Sale: 2024-03-25   Adjug'art Quimper

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Rene Lalique Buvard Faune et Nymphe

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