R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Hood Ornament Faucon: 8 inch tall standing glass falcon figure on incorporated round base R. Lalique Hood Ornament. Lot 551N Est: $4000 - $5000. Model: 1124 Circa 1925. Also the following additional hood ornaments: A light blue (patinated?) Naiade as Lot 549N, an Archer as Lot 548N, a Victoire as Lot 644N, a single Coq Houdan as a bookend is Lot 641N, the small Dragonfly as Lot 639N, the large Dragonfly as Lot 637N, the Frog as Lot 636N, an opalescent Vitesse as Lot 635N, and a topaz Coq Nain as Lot 547N. USA - Indiana - Auburn kforry@auctionsamerica.com 260-927-9797 Kurt Forry is your man at the sale. Date of Sale: 2017-05-12   Auctions America

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Rene Lalique Hood Ornament Faucon

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