R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Vase Escargot: A re-offer from June 11, 2024. Now Lot 37A Est: £3000 - £4000. 21 cm tall snail shell motif amber glass R. Lalique Vase. Lot No. 79 Est: £3000 - £4000. And there are another 9 lots titled for René Lalique in addition to the Escargot. At least 2 of those additional lots should be avoided. Lot 28 is a post-war Calypso Bowl that was apparently later re-signed R. Lalique France but still has the original post-war Lalique France signature, and Lot 34 is a cut-down Borromée Vase. Model: 931 Circa 1920.

NOTE: The auction house states the following in the lot listing: "No chips or cracks. The vase appears to be in very good condition. Because of the difficulty in determining whether an item of glass has been repolished, reference is only made to visible chips and cracks. No mention is made of repolishing, severe or otherwise."

WE STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINST BIDDING ON ITEMS WITH THIS AUCTION HOUSE UNLESS YOU CAN SEE THEM IN PERSON AND ARE QUALIFIED TO JUDGE THE CONDITION YOURSELF. They are flat-out telling you that if they know of extensive or severe repolishing (repairs) to an item, they aren't going to mention it. They will only mention visible chips and cracks.

UK - Ripon - Charter Road info@elstob.co.uk +44 01765 699200 Date of Sale: 2024-08-14   Elstob

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Rene Lalique Vase Escargot

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