R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Cire Perdue Vase Entrelacs Epines Formant Une Anse: 16 cm tall with thickly intertwined branches forming almost a handle on one side of the R. Lalique Cire Perdue Vase that has some chips, a crack, and a hole in it. Lot 171 Est: €22,000 - €23,000. Model: CP 396 Circa 1921. EU - France - Paris - Drouot boisgirard@club-internet.fr +33 (0)1 47 70 81 36 Date of Sale: 2002-11-02   Boisgirard Antonini

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Rene Lalique Cire Perdue Vase Entrelacs Epines Formant Une Anse

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