R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Mirror Deux Serpents: 61 centimeters long oval glass with an intertwined serpent design comprising the entire frame surrounding the R. Lalique Mirror. Lot 97 Est: €60,000 - €80,000. Model: 687-B Circa 1922. Also in this sale is a Lutteurs Vase, a green glass Aras Vase, a Serpent Vase, a Serpent Perfume Bottle, a 48 piece Mulhouse Stemware Service, a blue glass Mesanges Bracelet, a unique Pommes De Pin Chandelier, a Sauterelles et Cabochons Brooch, a likely unique Muguet Bracelet, a likely unique Bat Ring, and a pair of oval cufflinks. Belgium - Brussels contact@pba-auctions.com +32 (0)2 504 80 30 Date of Sale: 2011-11-27   Pierre Bergé

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Rene Lalique Mirror Deux Serpents

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