R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Pendant Deux Libellules-3: 8.6 cm wide by 5.3 cm long 18k gold, enamels, old and rose cut diamonds and an aquamarine depiction of two dragonflies with baton style neck chain R. Lalique Pendant. Lot No. 39 Est: €30,000 - €40,000. Model: Pendant-158 Circa 1905. Also a pocket watch with matching chain as Lot 40 listed separately. EU - France - Paris - Avenue Matignon vdastorg@christies.com +33 1 40 76 85 81 Violaine d’Astorg (info preceding) Mafalda Chenu: mchenu@christies.com / +33 1 40 76 72 59, and Emmanuelle Porta-Bonete: eporta-bonete@christies.com / +33 1 40 76 72 71 are your sale contacts. Date of Sale: 2019-12-05 Sales Results: The pendant made €72,500 all-in.   Christie's http://www.christies.com

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Rene Lalique Pendant Deux Libellules-3

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