R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Brooch Deux Figurines Dos a Dos: 5 cm long by 3 cm high R. Lalique Brooch having two nude females crouched back to back in foliage set in a pinned metal back with a modern replacement pin. Lot No. 278 Est: $1200 - $1800. Model: 1388 Circa 1913. Also offered are 3 Lapin Ashtrays (1 topaz 2 opalescent) as Lot 279. USA - Illinois - Oak Park - North Boulevard info@toomeyco.com 312-563-0020 Date of Sale: 2023-03-02Note: The brooch ships from Lambertville, New Jessey.   Toomey

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