R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Brooch Deux Figurines Ailees: 6.5 centimeters high by 4.5 centimeters wide gold, enamel, ivory, and pearl (or a pearl like bead) Rene Lalique Brooch with a design of two winged figures with floral background that was originally made as a brooch but is missing the pin and now configured as a pendant. Lot 105 Est: €10,000 - €15,000. Model: Brooch-123 Circa 1900. France - Paris - Drouot info@parisencheres.com +33 01 58 18 39 05 Date of Sale: 2013-06-13   Delorme & Collin D Bocage

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Rene Lalique Brooch Deux Figurines Ailees

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