R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Lalique Enthusiasts & R. Lalique Collectors

Rene Lalique Dauphins Bowl information and photos at RLalique.com are tied together on this main Dauphins Bowls page. Past and future auctions, historical details, sales, copies, reproductions, articles and more are all accessible from here. This page grows as more info is added to the website.

Note: Dauphins is French for dolphins.

Also Note: There is also a vase of this same design that came the same year as the bowls.

See The Entire Catalogue Of: Rene Lalique Bowls

Further down the left column are other size and model number bowls of this design, including different shapes if applicable to this model.

All Lalique Dauphins Bowls
R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2022-11-23  R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl

R. Lalique Dauphins Coupe
2021-12-11  Rene Lalique Dauphins Coupe

Signature Photo
R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2020-03-13  Lalique Dauphins Bowl

R. Lalique Dolphins Bowl
2019-10-22  Rene Lalique Dolphins Bowl

Signature Photo
R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2019-06-15  Lalique Dauphins Bowl

Signature Photo
R. Lalique Dauphins Coupe
2019-01-01  R. Lalique Dauphins Coupe

Sales Results
Signature Photo
R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2018-06-28  R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl

R. Lalique Dauphins Coupe
2018-01-20  R. Lalique Dauphins Coupe

R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2017-12-17  Lalique Dauphins Bowl

R. Lalique Dauphins Coupe
2017-12-04  Rene Lalique Dauphins Coupe

R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2017-11-15  Rene Lalique Dauphins Bowl

R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2017-06-14  Lalique Dauphins Bowl

R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2017-05-06  Lalique Dauphins Bowl

Sales Results
R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2017-05-04  Rene Lalique Dauphins Bowl

R. Lalique Dolphins Bowl
2017-02-24  Rene Lalique Dolphins Bowl

Signature Photo
R. Lalique Dauphins Coupe
2016-10-25  Rene Lalique Dauphins Coupe

Sales Results
R. Lalique Dolphins Bowl
2016-07-14  Lalique Dolphins Bowl

R. Lalique Dolphins Bowl
2016-06-10  Lalique Dolphins Bowl

R. Lalique Dolphins Coupe
2016-03-16  Lalique Dolphins Coupe

Sales Results
R. Lalique Dolphins Bowl
2015-11-07  Rene Lalique Dolphins Bowl

R. Lalique Dauphins Coupe
2015-08-03  Lalique Dauphins Coupe

R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2015-07-04  R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl

R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2015-02-22  Lalique Dauphins Bowl

R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2014-09-21  Rene Lalique Dauphins Bowl

R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2011-10-12  Rene Lalique Dauphins Bowl

R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2011-02-01  Lalique Dauphins Bowl

R. Lalique Dauphins Coupe
2011-01-15  Rene Lalique Dauphins Coupe

R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2010-09-03  Lalique Dauphins Bowl

Sales Results
R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2010-03-26  Lalique Dauphins Bowl

R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2009-06-25  Lalique Dauphins Bowl

Other Sizes And Model Nos.
Dauphins Bowls
Rene Lalique Dauphins Coupe
2023-03-04  R. Lalique Dauphins Coupe

Model 424
Signature Photo
Rene Lalique Dauphins Coupe Ouverte
2022-03-25  R. Lalique Dauphins Coupe Ouverte

Model 424
Rene Lalique Dauphins Coupe Ouverte
2019-04-10  Rene Lalique Dauphins Coupe Ouverte

Model 424
Rene Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2012-10-14  R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl

Model 424
Rene Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2010-10-21  Lalique Dauphins Bowl

Model 424
Rene Lalique Dauphins Bowl
2010-05-27  R. Lalique Dauphins Bowl

Model 424
Model No. 10-384  Circa 1932
Other names for this Dauphins:
Other types for this Bowl:
Bowl Models Of This Design
Shapes Index & Notes
Size Diameter/Length Approx Cm
     Model     Shape        Size
     423    Coupe-Plate       29
     424    Coupe-Ouverte       30
     10-384    Standard       24
Wanted By Us: Dauphins Bowls
None Listed As Wanted
Sold By Us: Dauphins Bowls
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Photos - Images Of Dauphins Bowls
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For Sale By Us: Dauphins Bowls
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Close Copies: Dauphins Bowls
We Are Not Aware Of Any Close Copies
Post War Lalique Crystal Reproductions
We Are Not Aware Of Any Modern Crystal Reproductions
Blog Articles That Mention Both
Dauphins and Bowl
Rene Lalique Dauphins Bowl

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Copyright 2017. We are not affiliated with anyone using part or all of the name Rene Lalique. We are a gathering place for R. Lalique enthusiasts.