R Lalique Cire Perdue Wasp Vase by Rene Lalique


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Rene Lalique Bowl Dahlias: A pair of 30 cm large flower heads and leaves motif glass R. Lalique Bowls later drilled and connected with rope into a globe shaped two-part fixture. Lot No. 425 Est: €1800 - €2000. Model: 384 Circa 1921. Also a Gazelles Bowl Model No. 390 as Lot 416, a Royat Vase as Lot 431, and a Bacchantes Vase with damage and a later silvered rim as Lot 436. EU - France - Antibes - Boulevard Maréchal-Foch carvajalsvv@orange.fr +33 04 92 93 16 35 Date of Sale: 2019-04-27   Carvajal SVV

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